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Location Guide Submissions

The Location Guides are pages which contain information on a place to visit and a planning guide giving detailed information on what you need to know for your visit. The planning grid has been designed and is formatted so that you can print it out and take it with you.

Take a look at the Help Required page to see all the ways that you can help, but creating and testing locations guides is of course the most obvious.

To make it easy for the location guides to be useful to everyone, whether they have visited them before or not. We are trying to keep the structure of the guides to a standard content layout, although the Featured Pages main description may be more detailed and personal to the person who wrote it.

We have 5 types of guides:

Featured Guides Carry far more detailed information and the further information and planning girds are bursting with details. They have usually been fully researched and have photographs showing what can be photographed when you get there. They will usually have been visited, but not always.

Location Guides.   These guides contain a brief description/explanation of what is there and what can be photographed, as well as base information in both a further information and planning grid to allow it to be found and how to access it. They may or may not contain a photograph.

Quick Guides.  These are simpler guides with far a smaller grid and only a small amount of information but usually having links to other websites to allow you to find out more. Some of these over time will be extended, to one of the above, others perhaps don't need any more.

Route Guides. A guide that includes a route or local area including a number of locations, for example a path, canal or a local area guide. It could be used for walking routes, drives, coach tours etc where the tour will cover a large area and usually will take in a number of different locations. A route guide is more than a list and is geographically connected, either by being a  physical journey or linear feature, but could also be an area with nearby items detailed. This page has very small grids for each place mentioned along the route, and would link to the other location guide types above to provide in depth coverage on some places.

Lists. These are listings of places usually based on a topic where minimal details are incorporated. It is a facility to enable a large number of locations to be covered without having to fully research or visit them. Once a location has been added to the locations area then items in the list will be linked. Normally it will list name of the location (which is usually linked to our other location pages if there is one), the place it's near, the county it is in, National Grid Reference (NGR), other notes. Depending on the type of locations it could also give links to an external website or details on how owns/manages the site.

How To Submit a Location Guide

To make it easy for the location guides to be useful to everyone, whether they have visited them before or not. We are trying to keep the structure of the guides to a standard content layout, although the Featured Pages main description may be more detailed and personal to the person who wrote it. So what do we need from you:

Location Details

We need details of the location and you can use one of the template pages we have created to help identify the information we are looking for and don't forget to take a look at our existing guides to see what we have done. To get a template take one of the links below for the type of guide you want to create. To find out what to include in each of the grids then take the bolded text, which will take you to a detailed page.


We like to include photographs where we can within any of the guides as this gives a visual idea of what can be seen and photographed when we get there. Consider using a Creative Commons licensing option, this costs you nothing and allows you to define who can use your picture and for what, while still retaining any commercial income if you wish.

Photographs should be submitted as jpg 640 x 480 at 72dpi images (this is good enough quality for website use) and keeps the file sizes down so they move faster over the internet. They should be sent as attachments to email. You can send 1, if you have one (but not essential), for the all the guide types and not more than 20 for each Featured location, but of course you don't need to have anything like as many, we just wanted to put a limit to make it practical to implement. To find out the maximum number allowed for each guide type, see the detailed information guide on each. If you don't know how to do any of this we can talk you through it.

Choosing places to produce location guides for

There are vast numbers of places, and we have no restrictions on who produces what, but we do have a number of featured (themed) week projects in hand, which means we already have produced a fair number of location guides that have not yet appeared. If you are producing a range of guides, the number of times that one of these would collide with work we have already done would be small, but if you are considering a major project involving a lot of guides on a particular topic then let us know so that we can co-ordinate larger projects and avoid the risk of a large amount of time being wasted. If you wish you can email us in advance to check that the location or list of locations you have in mind would not duplicate any work already in hand.

How and where to send your submissions

The bolded item below, for example Featured Guides, gives you a definition of what goes within the grid, while the html and zip versions give you a copy of an empty template page, with the grid in.

1. Download the Location Page Template (html and zip version)

Featured Guides  html version  or zipped version

Location Guides  html version  or zipped version

Quick Guides  html version  or zipped version

Route Guides  html version  or zipped version

Lists  html version  or zipped version

2. Complete the page and produce any photos you want to include, 1 location per page.

3. 1 location per email - with photos as attachments.

4. Use the normal email address on the Contact Us page but put Location Submission in the topic line. Any difficulty then either call or email us.

Look at those already in the location area, by using the County Index section, to get an idea of what we are looking for.

You can use any of  the non featured guides to select locations and visit and then send in a Featured Guide for that location. So over time most will end up as Featured Locations.

We look forward to receiving your submissions, so get out there and find those locations that we all would want to visit, enjoy and capture.


Page Ref: location_submission_guide Classification: Helping Us Last Updated: 03/2009


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Link directly to this page, with text or the button on right.

Text linking:   on Photographers Resource

Linking Instructions                            http://www.photographers-resource.co.uk/

Photographers Resource, all the information for the photographer